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Author: Sophia Man|Updated: 4 June 2024

Emotional reactions are a never-ending series of sensations when it comes to humans. In our lifespans, we go through a roller coaster ride of emotions that swing us from one end of the spectrum to the other. And funnily enough, our actions, thoughts, facial expressions and body language are all deeply bound to emotions as well. There is a well-written Tamil proverb that says “The beauty of your mind is visible on your face”, and this can be seen in everybody. When a person is overjoyed or thrilled, you are able to notice their facial expressions. It shows a huge smile, twinkling eyes and glee when they speak. But, if one is depressed or angry, you can assume they are in distress. These heart-breaking or sudden bursts of fury are called negative emotions and can cause more harm to your complexion than you think. In this article, we will be looking at the basics of negative emotions and the types of negative emotions. We will also be venturing into how negative emotions affect our skin tone and how the P9 Pico Laser Treatment helps to reduce skin dullness. The P9 Pico Laser Treatment not only helps to rejuvenate the skin but also reduces pigmentation spots and more!


What Are Negative Emotions?

Negative emotion is defined as any sensation that makes you unhappy or sad. These sentiments cause you to loathe yourselves as well as others. These negative feelings lower your confidence, identity, and overall satisfaction with life.

Robert Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions is a common psychology theory of feelings. According to Robert Plutchik, there are eight fundamental positive and negative emotions: happiness, faith, anxiety, shock, sorrow, expectation, wrath, and revulsion.

Although we can consider the term negative, given what we know regarding feelings, it's crucial to recognise that all feelings are perfectly natural to experience. They are imprinted in human DNA.

Positive emotions help us stay positive in life. Hate, rage, envy, and despair are all unpleasant emotions. However, in the correct circumstances, these difficult emotions are totally natural. Negative feelings can dull our zest for life, depending on how much we allow them to influence us and the way we express them.

Negative emotions make us act rashly, as well as see things objectively. When this happens, we have a tendency to perceive and recall either what we desire to see. This just serves to extend our rage or grief and stops us from enjoying the moment. The further this goes on, the more firmly established the problem gets.



What Are the Types of Negative Emotions?

We've seen that unpleasant feelings are perfectly normal. We wouldn't be able to acknowledge positive comments if they didn't exist. Here are some of the basic negative emotions:


Have you ever witnessed someone saying no to something you really wanted to do? How would you feel about that? Is your blood starting to bubble, your temperature increases, and your pulse rises?

This is how most people describe their rage. The body is responding to circumstances not going in your favour and is attempting to correct the situation.

When we are upset, we often yell, our faces contort, and we may even toss objects around. We're attempting to get our path in a circumstance, and this is the sole method we can conceive of doing it. If you frequently respond in this manner to events, it's a great idea to investigate why and devise more constructive solutions.


Are you working with a co-worker who speaks too noisily? Is your boyfriend notorious for leaving dirty dishes in the kitchen sink? Although we respect our co-workers and adore our spouses, these actions can irritate us greatly. Irritation is a milder variant of rage as it provokes uncomfortable feelings.

While not as severe as anger, it stems from a similar cognitive process - anything has occurred or maybe someone is performing an act you want they wouldn't. So you have no say in the matter.


Fear is frequently considered one of the fundamental basic feelings, and this is due to its close relationship with our sense of survival. It is an evolved response that alerts us to potentially perilous circumstances, unanticipated difficulties, or failures. We don't sense fear to be troubled; rather, it exists to assist us properly handling possible threats.

Accepting the feeling of dread and investigating why it emerges can assist you in proactively preparing for obstacles.


When you violate a deadline, get a terrible mark, or don't obtain the job you wanted, you're bound to be disappointed. emotional pain or sorrow occurs when we feel unsatisfied with ourselves, our accomplishments, or the attitude of others around us. Sorrow can be beneficial since it shows us that we are enthusiastic about something. It can be a powerful motivator to pursue improvement.


Shame is a multifaceted emotion. We can feel this about ourselves and prior behaviours we regret we had done, but also about how our actions impact the people around us. Guilt is sometimes considered to be a "moral feeling," and it may be a powerful motivator for us to make adjustments in our lives.

A person needs to learn how to deal with negative emotions on a daily basis as it can be detrimental to one's emotional well-being.


What Negative Feelings Affect the Skin?

According to research, your emotions could have both positive and bad effects on your physiology and the look of your skin. According to Dr. Doris Day, MD, medical adjunct professor of dermatology at New York University Medical School and writer of Forget the Facelift, life is in your thoughts. This implies that your emotions and attitude have the biggest influence on how you seem and are perceived by everyone else.


Stress is the most dangerous emotion for young people. According to Amy Wechsler MD, an adjunct assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College and a dermatologist in New York City, tension can wrinkle the face far faster than time.

That's because it is the most powerful activator of the hormone cortisol, which circulates freely throughout your body during stressful situations. Cortisol stresses every organ, she says, and blood vessels become even weaker. It also causes new skin cells to grow slowly, and cell turnover may probably reduce by half. This results in aged skin.

During trying moments, that bar of chocolate, a bag of salted french fries, or a cocktail may appear more appealing. Dr. Doris Day states that when you're worried, you might eat different dishes than normal. you might also drink fewer fluids, and consume more liquor.

This can cause dehydration of the skin. You could also be less concerned with your skincare regime. While dehydration can cause wrinkles to appear more prominent, a poor diet combined with inconsistent skincare can lead to acne breakouts.


Rage can also influence how the skin revitalises and recovers. Researchers classified individuals into 2 categories of easily irritated and more tranquil Zen personality types and gave each a small injury on their arms in a study that appeared in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.

Repair and cell renewal took 4 times as long in the furious individuals as in the calm group. The occurrence was ascribed to high amounts of cortisol in an individual who is fast to rage. This limits the formation of collagen, a critical component of tissue regeneration and a source of wrinkles when generation slows.


Sadness, like anger, is heavy upon the face and can develop wrinkles through squinting and furrowed brows. According to a new study, facial emotion exerts such a profound effect on skin that if people lack the capacity to scowl, they may feel less unhappy.

In an article from the Journal of Psychiatric Research, patients who had failed antidepressant treatment were administered Botox their brows, which reduced brow furrowed eyebrows. Depression was reduced by 47% in the comparison group and 9% in the placebo group six weeks later, indicating that our facial muscles not only express but also control emotional states.

Lengthy depression is bad for the skin since the hormones connected with it impede your body from mending inflammation in cells. According to Dr. Amy Wechsler, these chemicals impair sleep, which manifests itself on our faces as large, swollen eyes and a dreary or dead complexion.


According to Dr. Amy Wechsler, whenever you perceive a threat, the brain's initial response is to instruct the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline. As a result, your heart rate quickens, sending blood to your body's huge power muscle in case you need to bolt fast.

Adrenaline also diverts blood from the skin and face. It also restricts blood capillaries in the skin to control and restrict bleeding if injured. According to Dr. Amy Wechsler, fear agents can cause people to appear pale and gloomy.

These constant changes in emotions can harm the facial skin’s health. With today’s modern technology, the number of laser facial resurfacing treatments has increased. This gives people a choice to address skin ageing and hyperpigmentation issues faced.

Thankfully, the P9 Pico Laser Treatment helps brighten uneven skin tone and induce collagen production to give you a brighter complexion!



The Only Laser Facial Resurfacing You Will Need P9 Pico Laser Treatment!

The P9 Pico Laser Treatment located at Perfect Laser Clinics Australia (Melbourne and Sydney) uses picosecond and nanosecond energy. This ground-breaking dual technology travels 1000 faster than generic laser facial resurfacing treatments. The energy emitted penetrates deep into the skin to destroy melanin particles. The broken melanin will be eliminated via metabolic drainage, to give you a smooth and even face.

The P9 Pico Laser Treatment also helps to stimulate collagen production. The new collagen helps to growth of connective tissues and shrinks enlarged pores to give a rejuvenated appeal. This laser facial resurfacing treatment also fills acne scars and wrinkles that result in a smooth skin texture.

Overactive sebaceous glands can cause oily skin and trigger acne to appear. The P9 Pico Laser Treatment also helps to calm down sebaceous glands and balances sebum secretion. This cause the skin to be much less oily and dull.


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Negative emotions can cause the skin to age and become dull. But if you are looking to rejuvenate your skin, try out the P9 Pico Laser Treatment! The laser facial resurfacing treatment uses picosecond and nanosecond energy to eliminate melanin and give you a bright and clear face.

Without destroying the surrounding cells, the P9 Pico Laser Treatment only stays in your skin for a brief moment and leaves the skin. This reduces the chances of burning and skin redness. So what are you waiting for?

Book your appointment for a beautiful glowing and youthful face today!


Does crying cause wrinkles?

Crying itself does not cause wrinkles to form. However, crying combined with stress can cause wrinkles to appear on the side of your eyes. It can also cause premature skin ageing and dullness.

Who is suited for the P9 Pico Laser Treatment?

The P9 Pico Laser Treatment is suited for individuals with hyperpigmentation issues such as uneven skin tone, dark spots, sun spots, and more. This laser facial resurfacing treatment is also suited for individuals with melasma.

How many sessions will I need?

Normally, 3 to 6 session is recommended for maximum results. After a careful skin analysis, our beauty consultants will customise the most suitable treatment plan for you.

Is there any recovery period after the P9 Pico Laser Treatment?

There is no need to allocate a particular recovery time after this treatment.

Does the P9 Pico Laser Treatment painful?

The P9 Pico Laser Treatment does not use any sedation, incisions or injections during the process. The treatment is comfortable and painless as the laser energy does not stay long on the skin.


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