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Author: Natalie Ng|Updated: 4 June 2024

You have decided to burn fat and lose weight by starting an exercise programme, which is a fantastic step to help you enhance your muscle tissue and help you lose weight while assisting you in losing body fat! However, when you go through the checklist of things to do before working out, you realise that many of the people who frequently visit the gym and the athletes who train there frequently ingest pre-workouts, protein drinks, and creatine supplements. It is rather overwhelming because you do not know which option is preferable to you because you are not sure which one would be best for you to select. On the other hand, one has to be aware that in order to reduce body fat and boost muscle growth, the path to accomplishing these goals will be bumpy and will include both highs and lows. When consistent physical activity, a healthy diet and plenty of water consumption do not provide the desired outcomes, it can lead to feelings of frustration and a loss of hope. Weight loss supplement is designed to work in conjunction with your loss of body weight efforts to maximise their effectiveness. They might give you more willpower, making it easier for you to stick with your weight loss objectives and help you lose weight by helping you emotionally and physically. Because there is such a vast selection of dietary supplements on the market, selecting the most appropriate one can be a laborious process. When cutting, maintaining a healthy diet, engaging in cardiovascular activity, and designing an effective strength training programme are all highly important components, but supplements also play a significant role in the process. When it comes to altering the appearance of your body, supplements have the potential to make a huge difference. Creatine is an extremely efficient means of improving one's performance in the gym and of adding muscle to one's frame. A creatine supplement is intended to accelerate the growth of muscular tissue and gain muscle mass, as well as raise the percentage of lean muscle mass and improve athletic performance. Creatine supplementation is often regarded as one of the most effective products for physically active people like gym rats and athletes. When used appropriately, creatine supplements should be able to deliver significant benefits to the user, as stated in the directions provided by the manufacturer. Creatine supplementation is not only useful for increasing muscle size and lean muscle mass, but it can also be utilised for the purpose of reducing overall body fat and losing weight.


Creatine Supplements

We get about half of the creatine we need from the food we eat, and the other half is manufactured in our bodies by the liver and kidneys. The use of creatine supplements, as a result, works by increasing the amount of natural creatine that is already present in the body. This means that athletes who take creatine supplements can potentially increase their muscle strength and size, as well as their cognitive functioning, glycogen storage, and phosphocreatine resynthesis. Creatine is typically used in the form of powder or capsules, and research suggests that the best time to take creatine as a supplement is either just before or immediately after exercise, as opposed to a significant amount of time before or after the workout.



What is Creatine Supplement?

One of the nitrogenous amino acids that can be found in skeletal muscle is called creatine. It is a natural substance that can be found in red meat and shellfish in addition to the human body, where it occurs naturally. Glycine, arginine, and methionine are the three amino acids that are broken down to produce creatine. It supplies the energy that is necessary to power the muscles in order to do vigorous exercise. Skeletal muscle is primarily responsible for the storage of creatine. There is also some glycogen stored in your kidneys, pancreas, liver, and brain, albeit in far smaller proportions. Creatine supplements, sometimes known as "all-in-ones" oral creatine supplementation are becoming increasingly popular because of their potential to speed up the rate at which the body produces energy.

On the other hand, as creatine is largely stored in the muscles as phosphocreatine, you can consume creatine that is artificially made into creatine supplementation as creatine supplements can help you develop muscle growth and muscle strength while increasing your performance during workouts. Additionally, taking creatine supplements may help ease symptoms associated with a variety of health ailments. Creatine users have also reported that when taken topically, one of the effects of creatine is that it can improve the health of the skin.


Types of Creatine

1. Creatine Monohydrate

Consuming approximately 5 grams of creatine monohydrate on a daily basis is recommended for optimal results when using this supplement, which is likely one of the more common kinds. There is no "optimal time" to utilise creatine, since some people find that it is most effective to consume it before they workout, while others find that it is most effective to use it after they workout. Creatine monohydrate is said to improve an individual's performance during physical activity. It is constructed from water and molecules of creatine. The increased creatine content that is produced as a result of removing the water is known as creatine anhydrous. Creatine monohydrate helps boost muscle growth by increasing the quantity of water that is contained within the cells of the muscle. Additionally, creatine can be micronized to increase its water solubility, which in turn improves the body's ability to absorb the compound.

2. Creatine Ethyl Ester

In order to achieve the desired effects with ethyl ester creatine, a lower daily dosage of roughly 2-3 grammes is necessary. Creatine supplements of this kind have an extra ester molecule bonded to them, which speeds up the rate at which the creatine is absorbed by the body. The monohydrate form of creatine ethyl ester is taken into the body more efficiently than the other form.

3. Micronised & Buffered Creatine

Because the molecules in this type of monohydrate have been chopped up or divided, also known as micronized, the product has a bigger surface area, which encourages a higher rate of absorption into the body and results in a faster rate of absorption. This helps to lessen the discomfort that some individuals experience in their stomachs. The addition of alkaline powder is what the makers do to buffered creatine in order to achieve their goal of increasing the creatine's stability in the stomach. They assert that buffered creatine has a high level of efficacy and reduces the likelihood of experiencing cramping and bloating.



How Does Creatine Work?

According to the findings of several scientific studies, creatine can produce creatine phosphate in the body by combining with phosphate molecules (phosphocreatine). This provides a rapid energy boost for your body, which is beneficial for activities and workouts that need a lot of effort. A widespread myth is that creatine directly burns fat from the body; however, this is not the case. Consuming creatine in supplement form can facilitate the building of lean muscular mass in the body. Taking creatine supplements helps build muscle, which naturally burns more calories than fatty tissue does. Since taking creatine supplements helps grow muscle, this is how, in a roundabout way, taking creatine supplements can aid with weight loss. For you to experience the benefit of increased fat burning, engaging in strength training that incorporates resistance is required. You should aim to work out each of your major muscle groups at least three times per week for a total of at least one hour each session. These muscle groups include the shoulders, arms, chest, abdominals, back, and legs. It is important to emphasise that creatine is not a steroid, despite the fact that a large number of athletes and bodybuilders use it to increase their muscle mass and modify their bodies. Because of these factors, a number of industry experts maintain that creatine loading and cycling are not necessary.


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Creatine and Muscle

Creatine is also stored in the muscle cells of our body, in the form of creatine phosphate which bears a natural source of energy called ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). Creatine supplements can help in the boost of ATP production, helping you get the energy to help you increase your training intensity, lifting weights and muscle hypertrophy. Since creatine also increases muscle growth, the muscle protein synthesis will increase in your body, leading to increased muscle mass during your period of working out.

However, one should be aware of the creatine amounts that should be taken to avoid any adverse side effects such as muscle cramps. An enough amount of creatine should be good to create muscle protection and support muscle recovery for the body's muscle fibers. If you are worried about the exact amount of creatine, some advice from a sports nutrition person is good to help you out.



How Much Creatine Should We Take?

When determining how much creatine to take as a supplement, it may be helpful to first recognise how much creatine naturally creates and obtains from your food. The bodies of most healthy adults produce between 1 and 2 grams of creatine per day on their own. In addition to this, studies on dietary creatine show that a typical omnivorous diet will offer an additional 1-2 grams of creatine per day. These studies can be found in a new tab. To put it another way, your body needs to replenish anything from 1 gram to 3 grams of creatine every single day. Your levels are determined by the requirements of your muscles as well as the hormones, such as testosterone. When you work out at a high intensity for a prolonged period of time, you use up your stored creatine more quickly. In order to maintain your muscles, you are going to need to take in more. Creatine is found in foods like meat and fish and eating these types of foods can help your body meet its replenishing needs.

Side Effects of Creatine

It is possible that taking in a large quantity of creatine can damage one's kidneys, liver, or heart, depending on the specific circumstances. Diarrhoea, nausea, cramping in the muscles, and dizziness are some of the other potential adverse effects.

Even though creatine helps in muscle gain and improving muscle fibers for rapid weight loss, it is possible to gain weight owing to excess water retention. Creatine helps in gaining muscle and improving muscle fibers. Because creatine encourages your muscles to retain water, you may experience bloating or puffiness in the arms, legs, or stomach as a result of taking creatine. People typically gain between 2 and 5 pounds within the first week of taking oral creatine due to water weight or the way their muscles retain fluid. This weight increase typically occurs as a result of taking creatine.

Unwanted weight gain is also possible when it comes to taking oral creatine. If you increase your muscle mass, you should expect to see a rise in the number that appears on the scale as well. As was noted earlier, creatine is similar to any other supplement in the sense that it should be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular physical activity. This is because there is a possibility that fat mass will rise rather than decrease while taking creatine. In order to lose weight, you will need to maintain a calorie deficit, which means that you will need to expend more calories than you take in.

To Go with Creatine

In order to help you lose weight and strip body fat, one should not rely on solely taking creatine supplements in their foods and drinks to get the desired body composition. Lean muscle mass should be toned and built with the assistance of creatine alongside exercises such as resistance training or resistance exercise, muscular endurance, and a good healthy diet to support the creatine effect.

Creatine alone won't give out the same health benefits as any other weight loss medications or plans, think of it as a booster to lose body fat. As you go through a routine to decrease your body weight, creatine will help you get through the routine itself and affect your lean tissue mass for a stronger and toned muscle strength, which also leads to the decrease in the probability of gaining weight. It is almost similar to a domino effect!

Alternatives to Taking Creatine Supplementation

It is understandable that the concept of taking a supplement to boost energy for fat loss may seem kind of daunting, especially when it is the first time that you are visiting the gym.

Creatine supplementation can help in weight loss via workouts and muscle growth, but it is also understandable that this concept may appear intimidating. Those who want to lose weight rather than gain it should avoid taking medications that cause adverse effects such as water retention and having an excessive amount of fat relative to the amount of muscle mass in the body, both of which can lead to weight gain. Thankfully, we have the answer to each and every one of your problems here!


S6 Body Sculpting Treatment

It would be far more preferable if we had a remedy that was both less risky and less invasive, such as the S6 Body Sculpting therapy. Do not worry about needing to embark on an exercise or a diet plan since S6 Physique Sculpting can help you acquire the body of your desires simply by using a technique that utilises high-performance lasers. The laser will penetrate deeply into the fat layers, which will trigger fatty acid catabolism and cause the fat layers to be destroyed. The destroyed fat layers will be turned into waste remnants, which will be removed from the body via the lymphatic system as a result of the metabolism.

The methods are really easy to follow! Simply register on our website to receive a free consultation with an aesthetic therapist, and then head on over there to get started. After gaining an understanding of the conditions of your body and the procedure involved in the laser treatment, the aesthetic therapist will proceed with the procedure by positioning the laser equipment above the area of your body where you want fat reduction to occur, and then releasing bio-laser energy to dissolve the fat. Pneumatic technology will be utilised in order to hasten the process of lymphatic drainage, and the therapist will massage the treatment region in order to hasten the process of lipid metabolism and speed up the removal of excess fat. Following treatment, you will observe a progressive reduction in the fat layer that has been there previously.




Along with regular exercise and a healthy diet, supplementing with creatine can help you increase muscular growth and strength, as well as boost your energy levels. To begin taking creatine, especially if one's primary goal is to reduce the amount of fat in their body rather than increase the amount of muscle mass, can be a bit of a shock for someone who is just beginning to exercise.

Do take into consideration our S6 Body Sculpting treatment if you would rather have a method that is less risky and less difficult. Make sure to get in touch with us and make your reservations as soon as possible!


What are the other benefits of this treatment?

Not only does this treatment can help you in losing weight, this treatment will tighten your skin for a firm body shape after the weight loss process and also boost metabolism during the fat removal procedure!

Does this treatment have a downtime?

Nope, no downtime at all! Since this treatment does not use any kinds of invasive methods, there are no wounds to be healed, hence, no downtime! We promise you there are no surgeries, medications or injections at all!

How many sessions are there?

This treatment comprises 10 sessions and we recommend you go through all sessions to get the optimal results.


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