
Book Now to Experience
A3 Laser Hair Removal Treatment

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作者: Tiviya Kumar|更新:2024年6月4日

Ever fantasise about permanent hair removal? If so, you are not alone. The wrath of new hairs forming is one many of us share. Almost equivalent to wrinkles. Laser facial hair removal is a popular treatment, especially amongst women who struggle with excessive hair growth. Sometimes, it could be hormonal and for some it could be as simple as genetics. Some say they don’t face any effects of laser hair removal. But the common problem faced by these women is removing unwanted hair from the face with a longer lasting effect. Due to the lack of credible information about laser hair removal, many people are concerned about the safety of these treatments. Laser hair removal works by emitting wavelengths of heat that target the pigment. This can be found in the hair follicles below the skin. For some, shaving is an option that they can consider. However, the pain and accidental cuts are unwelcoming though. That is why many women are opting for laser treatments to get rid of unwanted body hair. But what is stopping them? However, laser hair removal treatments often cause scarring and skin irritation. Are laser hair removal treatments safe? Or What are the side effects of laser on the skin texture? We will be discussing the safety of the laser hair removal treatments, what to expect in terms of side effects and some myth busting. But before that, let’s dive deeper into understanding the mechanics behind hair follicle removal.


What is Laser Hair Removal and How Does it Work?

Laser hair removal is a process where unwanted hairs are removed from the face using a laser. There are many types of different lasers.

The laser beam passes through the skin to the hair follicle where heat energy is converted into light energy to destroy the follicle.

This method is considered to be more permanent than other methods such as shaving or plucking and can provide long-term results because of the high heat lasers. It removes unwanted hair without causing skin damage.

This procedure is usually quick (depending on the area being treated) So now that you roughly know what it is,


Let’s Bust Some Myths Together

MYTH 1: Laser hair removal has not been demonstrated to be safe

Fact: The safety of laser hair removal treatments is determined by the type of laser used. The FDA has approved specific laser systems, so be sure to visit a board-certified technician who uses an FDA-approved laser system.

The treatment is suitable for a wide range of healthy patients, and the majority of people are candidates for laser hair removal.

Having said that, any reputable clinic or laser treatment provider must always evaluate the potential client. Here at Perfect Laser Clinic, our team is equipped to answer any doubts and clarifications, should there be any.

MYTH 2: It’s risk-free for everyone

Fact: Everyone's hair is unique. It's always a good idea to consult with your laser hair removal provider first to find out what results you can expect for your specific hair type.

Results may vary depending on the person's hair thickness, colour, and even skin tone and type.

A proper consultation is the best way to predict how your hair will react to it.

MYTH 3: Laser hair removal cannot be performed on the face or sensitive areas

Fact: False! Laser hair removal treatments on the upper lip, underarms, and bikini area are among the most popular. If you are worried about the heat, a cooling device will be used to help with that.

Myth 4: Laser hair removal promotes hair growth

Fact: Laser facial hair removal does not promote hair growth. Everyone has different hair growth patterns, and everyone's body produces hair in a different way.

While some people lose body hair as they age, others notice an increase in hair growth. Lasers can destroy existing hair follicles but cannot prevent new hair follicles from growing again.

Myth 5: Laser hair removal is excruciatingly painful

Fact: If you've ever had your hair (especially face skin) waxed or threaded, laser hair removal will be a breeze! The laser removes hair through a process known as photothermolysis, which essentially means that heat from light is used to remove the hair.

This causes some warming in the skin, but our office uses a cooling device during the treatment to alleviate it.

In addition, some patients who are afraid of potential risks to pain can request topical anaesthetic to be applied in the office first to alleviate discomfort in particularly sensitive areas of the skin.

Myth 6 : Rays from laser hair removal can lead to skin cancer

There is no evidence that laser hair removal can lead to cancer. In fact, laser hair removal is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in renown countries all over the world and has been FDA-approved for more than 15 years.

In this regard, scientific evidence is lacking. The laser used for these treatments emits some radiation, but it has not been proven to be dangerous.

The lasers used in this procedure emit very little radiation and only target the hair follicles.

Myth 7: Permanent laser hair removal requires only one session

Laser hair removal is not a long-term solution. The number of sessions needed is determined by your hair type, texture, density, treatment area, and other genetic factors. If you have more unwanted hair, the process might be longer.

As mentioned above, laser hair removal is generally considered safe for the majority of people. The procedure is also not associated with any long-term side effects. Even so, the debates surrounding the risks of laser hair removal abound.

Although temporary and minor side effects are possible, other side effects are uncommon. Aside from that, any claims about long-term health benefits are false.

To kill the hair follicle, small, highly heated lasers are used. The laser may cause transient adverse effects in the immediate aftermath of the procedure.

Skin irritability and pigmentation changes are the most common side effects.


The Side Effects of Laser Facial Hair Removal

1.Appearance of skin redness and irritability

A few hours after any type of hair eradication treatment might temporarily irritate the skin. At the treated area, you can also experience a little bit of edema and redness. These impacts on the skin are nevertheless minimal.

This is one of the most common side effects of laser hair removal methods.

The symptoms are frequently the same as those you could experience following waxing or other hair removal methods. To lessen these side effects, your dermatologist may use a topical anaesthetic prior to the operation.

If you have mild redness, rest assured it will go away eventually. Within hours after the treatment, the redness should go away.

To ease any pain or swelling, try applying ice packs. If you suffer symptoms that go beyond mild irritability or if the adverse effects get worse, you should notify your doctor.

2.Shift in skin texture and pigment changes

Skin colouration or known as pigmentation can occur after a session of laser hair removal . You may notice pigment changes, and it could get darker or lighter skin after a session.

If you have fair skin, you are more likely to develop darker spots as a result of laser hair removal.

People with dark skin types, on the other hand, may have lighter spots as a result of the procedure. These changes, like skin irritation, are usually transient and not cause for concern. Pigment changes are relatively normal. Laser facial treatments can also help with wrinkles and other skin conditions.

NOTE: Your risk increases if you use at-home laser hair removal kits or seek laser treatment from a provider who isn't trained and certified.


Laser Hair Removal Can Occasionally Cause More Severe Side Effects

The following are uncommon side effects:

1.Excessive hair growth in the treated area

Sometimes, hair follicles can form post treatment. This effect is sometimes confused with hair shedding after the procedure.

2.Skin texture modifications

If you have recently tanned, you may be more vulnerable.


Scarring is most common in people who scar easily.

4.Blisters and scab formation

These side effects may be caused by excessive sun exposure following the procedure. For some, it might lead to swelling.

Always consult the clinic if you are facing these side effects. Even though they are extremely rare, it is still a good idea to be aware of them.


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A3 Laser Hair Removal Treatment

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How to Prepare for a Laser Hair Removal

Here are some tips from our team:

1.Do not wax or pluck

Due to the nature of this treatment, removing the root of the hair is not encouraged. Stop waxing the area for a minimum of six weeks prior to your session.

Shaving is encouraged because it does not remove the root of the hair.

2.Avoid sun exposure

Try to minimise sun damage at least two weeks before the scheduled appointment.This includes tanning beds and self-tanners. Skin that has been tanned or sunburnt could end up with many blisters. Yikes!

Throughout these sessions, it is critical to maintain the skin barrier in treated areas clean and healthy. The outer layer of skin can be super sensitive for some people.

TIP: Do not forget to use a broad spectrum mineral sunblock with a minimum of SPF 30.

3.Avoid certain skincare products

We suggest you do this at least three days before treatment. Stop using products containing hydroxy acids, salicylic acid, retinol, and benzoyl peroxide in the treatment areas.

This aids in avoiding photosensitivity.

4.Check your prescription

For best results, we suggest you let the clinic know if you are on meds, both oral or topical. Some prescribed medications may have an effect in your laser treatment, hence making it less effective.

Some meds could cause the skin to be more sensitive; resulting in a burn or blister. Do also inform your treatment providers if you are on birth control or photosensitising medications.

This way, your treatment can be adjusted to better suit your needs.

5.One treatment at a time

Avoid other skin medical treatments options like Botox and filler injections, Microdermabrasion or chemical peels at least 14 days prior to laser hair removal.

It is important to remember that this process inhibits hair growth. With each session, the hair thins, the density decreases, and the cycle lengthens.

Initially, multiple sessions will be required to completely remove hair because not all hairs are in the active growth phase.

You may later decide to use maintenance treatments to target stubborn areas or to remove strays



Laser hair removal is not advised during pregnancy, according to experts. During this time, there is no scientific evidence to support the safety of laser hair removal. Pregnancy causes hormonal changes, which result in the growth of extra hair in undesirable places.

While this hair growth is unsightly, it usually goes away on its own. If that doesn't work, you could try laser treatment after pregnancy. Consult with your doctor about the procedure.


How to Care for Your Skin After a Laser Treatment?

Post treatment care for laser facial hair removal is often overlooked. In general, human studies show that hair removal might affect a person’s biology differently. Simple steps can really show a huge difference.

Here at Perfect Laser Clinics, we aim to keep our clients informed. The tips listed below have proven efficient with our clients.

Here are some tips for you;

1.Apply a cool compress

To soothe the swelling skin, apply a cool compress on the treated area for five to ten minutes. Do this several times a day for the first 24 hours. The swelling should reduce. However, if the swelling does not reduce, please inform the clinic.

2.Avoid the sun

It is important to protect the skin post laser hair removal for at least two weeks after laser treatment. This will prevent blistering and pigment changes. When outdoors, make sure to wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.

3.Avoid hot baths and showers

Hot water can irritate the skin. Avoid taking hot showers or baths for at least 24 hours after treatment. Taking lukewarm showers is encouraged.

4.Avoid picking, scratching, or rubbing the skin

Picking on affected skin can cause scarring. Scratching can irritate the affected area and slow down healing. And rubbing can also irritate the skin.

All these activities are not recommended for at least one week after laser treatment. Keep a close eye on the skin texture.

5.Apply lotion

To help soothe the area treated, apply a hypoallergenic lotion suited to your skin type on the affected area at least three times a day. Do this for a minimum of one week after laser hair removal therapy.

To sum it up for you, laser hair removal is a common cosmetic procedure that many people undergo to remove unwanted facial hair. While laser hair removal falls under the list of relatively safe treatment options, it does have some side effects that you should be aware of before undergoing treatment.

The side effects of laser treatment may vary.


The Final Takeaway

In this article, we have listed the most common effects of laser hair removal and how to care for your skin after treatment. After care on affected skin is very important. We hope this information will help you make an informed decision when researching methods of removing hair safely.

If you are looking for hair removal treatments that have a long lasting effect, you can try our A3 Laser Hair Removal Treatment, which has produced good results for our clients. If you are prone to ingrown hair, you are going to want to try this treatment out as our laser technology will kill every hair that comes up to the surface of the skin.

The capillaries that deliver nourishment to the hair follicles are constricted using laser technology with an 808nm wavelength, which gradually inhibits hair growth.

So what are you waiting for? Book yourself a laser hair removal session at Perfect Laser Clinics to experience silky smooth skin!


Will I feel pain during the A3 treatment?

The A3 laser hair removal treatment is non-invasive and does not require any downtime. A little redness is normal; consult your technician if you are worried or need help with post-treatment care. Laser treatment varies from individual to individual. You can request for a topical anaesthetic if you need it. Everyone’s pain tolerance is different.

Is the A3 Laser Hair Removal treatment safe?

Our beauty consultants and therapists have extensive experience and professional training in hair removal services. They can recommend the best laser therapy for you based on your specific needs. You are welcome to sign up for a free trial of our A3 Laser Hair Removal online. If you notice abnormal swelling, contact the clinic immediately.

Is there any special care needed after the treatment?

Due to the use of high-energy laser beams during this procedure, there is still a potential of redness and itching in the treatment area. Our therapists will remind you of post-treatment maintenance, including moisturising the treated region, avoiding hot baths or showers ,gently washing the treated area, dressing in loose, comfortable clothing, using SPF30+ sunscreen every day. Always protect the skin.


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A3 Laser Hair Removal Treatment

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