
Ultra V Lift Pro无针埋线疗程

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作者: Sophia Man|更新:2024年6月4日

As age catches up, we tend to notice wrinkly old lines on our face. These fine lines are a constant reminder that our young days are far behind us. Wrinkles, a characteristic piece of maturing, are most noticeable on sun-uncovered skin, like the face, neck, hands and lower arms. In spite of the fact that hereditary qualities basically decide skin design and surface, sun openness is a significant reason for wrinkles, particularly for individuals with fair complexion. Poisons and smoking additionally add to wrinkling.


What Causes Wrinkles to Appear?

Advancing Age

Wrinkles are a characteristic side-effect of the maturing system. With age, skin cells partition all of the extra leisurely. The internal layer of the skin, called the dermis, starts to thin. The organization of elastin and collagen strands, which support the external layer, relaxes and disentangles. This cycle brings about despondencies on the skin surface. With maturing, skin turns out to be more delicate. Additionally, oil-emitting organs are less proficient, making the skin less ready to hold dampness and show up more creased. These variables add to the advancement of kinks.

Facial muscle narrowing

Lines between the eyebrows or known as crow's feet are accepted to create due to the hidden muscle compressions. Grinning, grimacing, squinting, and other ongoing looks make these kinks become more conspicuous with age. Over the long run the articulations, alongside gravity and the deficiency of basic bone and fat mass, add to the development of cheeks and hanging eyelids.

Sun damage

Unreasonable openness to bright radiation (a lot of sun) can bring about untimely maturing of the skin, otherwise called photoaging. The bright sunrays that cause photoaging harm collagen strands (the major primary proteins in the skin) and elastin filaments (the protein that empower skin to extend). Both of these filaments are significant parts of the skin's connective tissue. Without them, the skin loses its solidarity and adaptability, prompting wrinkles. At the point when bright light harms skin tissue, certain compounds are created. These chemicals make and change collagen. During the cycle, be that as it may, some sound collagen strands are harmed, bringing about a confused development of filaments called sun-based scars. Wrinkles create while this revamping system happens again and again.


Solid skin generally recovers. While old collagen is separated and taken out, new collagen is being created and introduced. Scientists have found that smoking tobacco items causes a decrease in the development of new collagen. An absence of new collagen brings about the improvement of kinks. This may likewise be because of the absence of blood supply to the skin brought about by smoking.



How can UVL HIFU Face Lift help?

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a generally new aesthetic beauty treatment for skin tightening that some consider a harmless and easy trade for face lifts. Perfect Laser Clinic’s UVL HIFU Face Lift Treatment utilises ultrasound energy combined with contouring treatment that encourages the production of collagen, which results in firmer skin. HIFU is generally well known for its utilization in treating cancers. The principal detailed utilization of HIFU for stylish use was in 2008. HIFU was then endorsed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2009 for temple lifts. The gadget was additionally cleared by the FDA in 2014 to further develop lines and kinks of the upper chest and neck area (décolletage). A few little clinical preliminaries have viewed HIFU as protected and powerful for facial lifting and refining wrinkles. Individuals had the option to get brings about a couple of months after treatment, without the dangers related with a medical procedure.


What is UVL HIFU Face Lift?

Face Lift Treatment at Perfect Laser Clinic uses various types of heat energy that penetrates deeply into the skin such as strengthening, face lifting, skin tightening and line correction that gradually reduces wrinkles, fines lines and other signs and symptoms of ageing. The heat emitted out of the UVL HIFU Face Lift appliance targets damages cells, causing the body to repair the cells naturally. As a result, the body produces collagen, a substance that give our skin the elasticity and structure, to aid in cell growth in the damaged regions of the face.

The UVL HIFU Face Lift Treatment penetrates multiple depths under the skin such as 1.5mm, 3mm and 4.5mm, the SMAS layer of the skin. This layer of the skin is host to the natural production of collagen and elastin that is most active in the body. The ultrasound energy causes tissue cells to the SMAS layer to rapidly heat up that consequently causes the cells to experience cellular damage. The damage done to the tissues stimulates the cells to produce more collagen and elastin to treat them. Since the UVL HIFU Face Lift Treatment targets the deeper layers of the skin, the surface of your skin will not be damaged at all. The production of new collagen and elastin aid to improve the texture, tone and complexion of the skin that allows the skin to regain its former firm youthful strength.



What is the Procedure for UVL HIFU Face Lift?

There's no exceptional readiness required prior to having an UVL HIFU Face Lift Treatment strategy. You ought to eliminate all cosmetics and skin health management items from the objective region before treatment.

This is what's in store at your arrangement: 1. Our in-house doctor first cleans the objective region. 2. They may apply a skin sedative cream prior to beginning. 3. Our doctor will then, at that point, apply a ultrasound gel. 4. The HIFU gadget is put against the skin. 5. Using a ultrasound watcher, the doctor or professional changes the gadget to the right setting. 6. Ultrasound energy is then conveyed to the objective region in short heat impulses for approximately 30 minutes to an hour and a half. 7. The gadget is taken out. While the ultrasound energy is being applied, you could feel intensity and shivering. You can take an aggravation medicine on the off chance that it's vexatious. You're allowed to return home and resume your ordinary day to day exercises immediately after the technique. Assuming extra therapies are required, our master group of specialists at Perfect Laser Clinic will plan the following treatment at your most recent comfort.


Ultra V Lift Pro无针埋线疗程

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Benefits of UVL HIFU Face Lift

UVL HIFU Face Lift Treatment has numerous advantages, including: • wrinkle decrease • fixing hanging skin on the neck (in some cases called turkey neck) • lifting the cheeks, eyebrows, and eyelids • improving facial structure definition • fixing of the décolletage • smoothing the skin

Concentrate on results are promising. A recent report affecting 32 Korean individuals showed that HIFU fundamentally further developed skin flexibility of the cheeks, lower midsection, and thighs following 12 weeks. In a bigger investigation of 93 individuals, 66 percent of those treated with HIFU saw an improvement in the presence of their face and neck following 90 days.



Final Takeaway

As we can see from this article, the UVL HIFU Face Lift Treatment offered at Perfect Laser Clinic is the best option for fighting wrinkles and other signs of ageing. If you are looking to get rid of wrinkles, sagging skin, or a tired appearance, this treatment may be right for you. Our team of professionals at Perfect Laser Clinic can help you book a consultation so that we can discuss your individual needs and determine if the UVL HIFU Face Lift Treatment is the best treatment for you. With our years of experience in providing laser treatments, we know that we can provide you with the results that you are looking for. Contact us today to book your consultation!


Is the UVL HIFU Face Lift Treatment safe?

The treatment is 100% safe. Since the UVL HIFU Face Lift Treatment is a harmless treatment, there is no injury to mend, meaning no recuperation time required. In any case, kindly keep away from direct exposure to the sun or high-temperature conditions as a precaution. Apply sunscreen with SPF 30+ prior to going outside. Apply moisturiser on the skin as often as possible. Likewise, briefly keep away from skin health management items that can aggravate the skin, for example acids, scours, peeling, and brightening items.

Who is suited for UVL HIFU Face Lift Treatment?

The UVL HIFU Face Lift Treatment is suitable for people age 20 or above who might want to handle skin issues like droopy skin, fine lines and double chin jawline.

How does the UVL HIFU Face Lift Treatment work?

The ultrasonic energy can exactly infiltrate the epidermis and circulate equitably to the dermis and SMAS layers. This imperceptible energy can in a split-second help and fix the lower-level free skin and invigorate collagen creation. Thus, the face turns lifted and solidified upward. The without needle facelift utilizes the one-of-a-kind intensity dispersion innovation, which makes little disturbance the skin, making the therapy easy. Thus, the Ultra V-lift Pro second is more agreeable and more secure when contrasted with a customary HIFU. Likewise, the Ultra V-lift Pro second conveys ultrasound energy to the skin through a tube-shaped handpiece, which is more adaptable and lighter to use than the rectangular handpiece of the conventional HIFU. The barrel shaped handpiece skims on the skin more straightforward, bringing about a superior treatment impact.

How many treatments do I need to see the full effect?

Normally, a total course of the UVL HIFU Face Lift Treatment comprises of 3-6 meetings. The tasteful experts at Perfect Laser Clinics will orchestrate a point-by-point discussion for every client to modify a treatment plan that will suit their own requirements.

How long will it take to see noticeable outcomes?

Most can see noticeable outcomes after only one meeting. For gentle instances of free facial skin, three meetings are expected; for additional extreme cases. Six meetings of the treatment are suggested. Results can endure up to 3-5 years in the wake of following through with the whole tasks of treatment.


Ultra V Lift Pro无针埋线疗程

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