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A3 Laser Hair Removal Treatment

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Author: Sophia Man|Updated: 4 June 2024

While shaving, tweezing, and waxing can all be used to eliminate excess hair growth on the face, many individuals are increasingly seeking more lengthy treatments. Laser facial hair removal and electrolysis are the two most popular procedures for accomplishing this. Both techniques attack hair follicles beneath the skin's surface in order to slow or stop their development. While electrolysis is the sole hair removal procedure approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for permanent hair reduction, laser facial hair removal is currently the more favoured alternative in the United States, as reported by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. But there is an issue that frequently emerges; is generic laser hair removal permanent compared to electrolysis? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each facial hair removal treatment? In this article, we will be looking into the difference between generic laser hair removal and electrolysis, including the way they work, the procedure involved in both laser hair removal and electrolysis and the aftercare for each treatment. We will also look into the side effects of both general laser facial hair removal and finally, we will look into Perfect Laser Clinics Australia’s permanent laser facial hair removal that helps to remove all unwanted hair with no pain for a long-lasting hair removal effect!


What is the Difference Between Generic Laser Facial Hair Removal and Electrolysis?

A prominent cosmetic surgery which uses extremely focused beams of light on hair follicles is generic laser facial hair removal. The hair follicle takes in the light, destroying the hair and preventing future hair growth.

Laser facial hair removal treatment is the most popular form of facial hair removal in Australia. According to the American Society of Dermatology, the use of laser facial hair removal has increased by around 30% since 2013.

Most generic laser hair removal can be used to remove hair off the face, back, arms, underarms, legs, bikini line, and other areas. While hair-removal lasers do not completely eliminate hair development, it is far more successful than traditional hair-removal treatments which include using wax to remove unwanted facial hairs.

Electrolysis, on the other hand, is a medically tested hair removal method. It causes follicular damage in the hair of the desired region of the skin and inhibits hair regrowth. An epilator is employed in this procedure to eliminate hairs from the skin.

The epilator will damage the hair follicle by passing shortwave radio frequency through it. It eliminates the current hair shaft from the skin while also preventing future hair growth.


How do Laser Facial Hair Removal and Electrolysis Work?

Electrolysis and laser facial hair removal both use various techniques to remove unwanted hair growth. Let us have a look.

Laser facial hair removal

The professional administering the laser energy will cut the hair strand that will be treated near the skin prior to the treatment.

The laser's frequencies are then adjusted by the operator depending on the shade and volume of the hair strand that is being eliminated, in addition to the facial area that is being treated. Arrangements will very certainly take into consideration the user's colour of skin.

To safeguard the skin, the specialist will administer a cooling gel. To alleviate pain, some individuals may be administered a local anaesthetic. Anybody undergoing laser hair removal treatments for the face must protect their eyes during the procedure.


Prior to the operation, a person would usually meet with the electrologist to review their medical and health background.

The electrologists then employ a small needle, often thinner than the hair shaft itself. They inject the needle directly into the hair follicle's entrance. The hair development cells are annihilated by a little applied voltage. The region where the needle has been inserted may feel warm or prickly for a short period of time.


What does the Aftercare for Laser Facial Hair Removal and Electrolysis Look Like?

Taking care of your face after removing hair strands is essential since it helps to avoid any potential negative effects caused by the pressure on the face.

Laser facial hair removal

This procedure may be required administering a cold pack after the treatment to relieve pain. A physician may prescribe prescribed pain medications or topical corticosteroids for extreme discomfort.

Most individuals will need up to eight follow-up sessions to reap the greatest benefits, which can be planned every 4 to 6 weeks. When hair growth has indeed been effectively inhibited, an annual visit to the doctor to maintain the hair removal procedure may be required.


There is very minimal maintenance required. Even though the epidermis may get inflamed and somewhat red, these effects usually go away within a matter of hours.

An individual will require multiple sessions to achieve permanent hair removal effects. Since each hair contains numerous follicles in the epidermis, inactive follicles may start to generate hair during appointments. These freshly stimulated follicles are treated in subsequent treatment sessions.

Most of the individuals will need weekly or biweekly follow-up appointments over several weeks to eradicate hairs in the targeted region.


What are the Pros and Cons of Laser Facial Hair Removal?

Among the benefits of laser facial hair removal are:


The laser energy pinpoints coarse, black hairs rapidly.


Pulsed lasers are only milliseconds short and therefore can treat many hair strands in one go, allowing tiny areas to be addressed within a matter of minutes.

Colour and development of hair shaft that is lighter

Fresh hair regrowth is typically less thick than previous growth and is usually a few tones paler than the natural hair colour.


Following 3 to 8 appointments, many patients observe long-lasting outcomes.

Generic laser facial hair removal procedures, like all sides of a coin, have some drawbacks because they are not suitable for everyone. The main disadvantages are as follows:

Not acceptable for everyone's skin tones

So because laser prioritizes dark colours, it usually works on persons with pale skin and darker hair.

Possibility of undesirable consequences

Discoloured skin, inflammation, skin reddening, blistering, and scars are a few of the most serious adverse results of laser facial hair removal. Several of these, meanwhile, disappears after hours of receiving therapy.

Sensitive to light

Lasers might enhance the natural skin susceptibility to sunlight and this condition is called photosensitivity. Thus preventing sun damage promptly after the treatment. To minimize discolouration of the bronzed skin, people who have undergone laser therapy should avoid sun exposure for 6 weeks leading up to laser facial hair removal treatment.

Perils of Numbing Agents

The utilization of skin-numbing chemicals in laser facial hair removal, as stated by the FDA, has resulted in accounts of significant and life-threatening health consequences that happened when patients administered topical numbing creams to broad areas of their bodies.


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What are the Pros and Cons of Electrolysis?

Electrolysis is much more comprehensive than typical laser facial hair removal, with numerous advantages:


Electrolysis is the sole permanent hair removal procedure that is approved by the FDA.

Section 5 Part 2 Sub-titleaAdaptability

This is a placeholderaElectrolysis, as stated by the American Electrology Association, is beneficial for individuals of any type of skin and hair colour. It is also suited for most skin types. Electrolysis can be used on any component of the body, along with the brows.

There is no recuperation time

People can return to their normal activities soon following the operation.

Zero maintenance

It is not necessary to arrange a yearly electrolysis appointment because once the hairs are eliminated, no further procedures are required.

There are no toxic ingredients used

Electrolysis, unlike laser facial hair removal or hair whitening, doesn't at all involve the application of substances on the epidermis.

If implemented right, electrolysis of the hair follicles does not result in any major issues; however, certain difficulties do occur owing to improper methodology, various skin problems, a user's general illnesses or ailments, difficulties with the equipment, and so on.


Scabs can emerge as a result of the recovery phase. This is more common on the torso than on the face, although it applies to both. Ensure that the scabs are not extended in form, as this may suggest that the needle was placed over the skin's surface. It is critical that the customer knows that removing the scar tissue that develops will slow recovery and may lead to hypopigmentation or reduced colour, particularly when it is done on a person of colour.

Burning and whitening of the skin

It happens soon after the emergence of a white ring just on the skin's surface and may be followed by a crackling noise as the electricity is expelled. This should never happen and indicates incorrect probing or insertion that is very shallow, or too strong a voltage. Blanching should not be confused with the foaming that may occur while using the Blend or Galvanic procedures, which are entirely safe because no heat is required.

Erythema that is overwhelming/Reddening of the skin

If the affected region is particularly red, it could be due to an allergy response, treatment has occurred more than the allocated time, an alternative approach or the epidermis is more reactive than previously assumed. To lessen erythema, modify the kind of needle or minimise the voltage parameters, therapeutic length, or spacing of implantations in the electrolysis region.


Scarring that is not obviously evident can take several weeks or months to appear. This is the biggest complication of undergoing electrolysis. Bruising does not happen with the galvanic approach due to the absence of heat used to induce skin damage and result in a scar. Pit scars or ice pick marks are typically the consequence of persistently applied techniques of electrolysis that is unprofessional.


This is a placeholderaMost people experience some degree of pain with electrolysis, as a fine needle or probe is inserted into each hair follicle to destroy it. The degree varies depending on individual skin sensitivity, the area of the body being treated, personal pain threshold, and hair quality in that body area. Some people feel a mild heat sensation, and some experience a plucking or tweezing-like pain.

From the aforementioned details on laser facial hair removal and electrolysis, it can be easy to choose electrolysis to be a permanent choice for removing unwanted facial hairs but its tedious and painful process can only make someone assume that there is no other painless and permanent hair removal method.

Thankfully, the A3 Laser Hair Removal Treatment at Perfect Laser Clinics Australia can permanently and painlessly remove all unwanted facial hair strands in a short time for a flawless and smooth face!


A3 Laser Hair Removal Treatment: Your Choice for Permanent, Quick and Harmless Facial Hair Removal Procedure!

The A3 Laser Hair Removal Treatment is a revolutionary laser facial hair removal treatment that uses 808nm laser energy which penetrates deep into the roots of the hair follicle cells. The laser energy then tracks melanin in the hair follicle and crushes them, thus eliminating the occurrence of any dark stubbles on the facial area.

This laser facial hair removal treatment also shrinks the blood capillaries that supply essential nutrients to the growth and development of hair strands, which then reduces the growth of hair over time and gives a permanent hair loss effect on the face. As the laser facial hair removal treatment commences, ingrown hairs also begin to emerge on the surface of the skin, which is then easily removed.

This is a placeholderaUnlike generic laser facial hair removal treatments that cause pain or electrolysis that use needles, the A3 Laser Hair Removal Treatment has a built-in dual cooling system that calms down aggravated skin right after the hair removal procedure. No numbing creams are used during the treatments due to the additional cooling characteristic of this laser facial hair removal treatment.

This is a placeholderaSo, you will have obtained a smooth, bright and flawless face with no experience of pain!



Most generic laser facial hair removal treatments only have a semi-permanent hair removal effect that needs to be maintained every once a year or two years once.

Electrolysis, on the other hand, has a permanent hair-removal effect but it is administered with needles that are injected directly into the hair follicles to damage them. But, the treatment itself takes approximately 45 minutes to complete and more than 8 treatments are required to permanently stop hair growth.

Electrolysis, on the other hand, has a permanent hair-removal effect but it is administered with needles that are injected directly into the hair follicles to damage them. But, the treatment itself takes approximately 45 minutes to complete and more than 8 treatments are required to permanently stop hair growth.

But, with the A3 Laser Hair Removal Treatment, you can see less visible hair just after a couple of sessions! This laser facial hair removal treatment also cools down the skin to reduce any potential redness and it does not take a long time to complete as it uses a 10mmx10mm square tip that helps to remove hair strands from the root in any direction. This is one of the laser treatments that can be used to remove all hair, including darker hair colour.

So what are you waiting for?

Book your appointment for a better way to permanently remove facial hair for a smooth and flawless face!


Is electrolysis better than generic laser facial hair removal treatments?

Yes, electrolysis is capable of removing hair strands of different colours, despite the colour of the skin. General laser facial hair removal treatments are more suited for an individual with lighter skin tone and darker hair shades.

Why does the A3 Laser Hair Removal Treatment make your face brighter?

The A3 Laser Hair Removal Treatment helps to remove melanin particles that have developed due to excessive skin friction that is caused by shaving. The 808nm laser energy helps to remove melanin particles found in hair follicles to give you a brighter and clear face.

How many hairs can be removed with the 10mmx10mm square tip of the A3 Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

The square tip of this laser hair removal achieves permanent hair removal effects as it eradicates 500 hair strands in one go which speeds up the process to give you permanent hair removal effects.

Do I need additional treatments after a single A3 Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

We at Perfect Laser Clinics usually recommend individuals undergo 4 to 6 sessions to achieve permanent hair removal effects. This method is far more efficient than undergoing electrolysis which may require more than 8 sessions to remove unwanted hairs for good. This laser treatment that achieves permanent hair reduction is suited for most skin and hair types.

Is there any downtime after completing this laser facial hair removal treatment?

This laser treatment does not require any recovery period as the dual cooling system helps to quickly cool down the skin. You will not need to apply a cold compress after the treatment.


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