
Book Now to Experience
Acne Treatment

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作者: Tiviya Kumar|更新:2024年6月4日

Acne aka zits aka pimples are the bane of many people’s existence. Sometimes, it’s painful and at times it can also be itchy. The temptation to squeeze it is high but you should not. No matter how tempting it sounds, squeezing the acne on your face is what causes acne scars. For many, acne is only temporary. But for some, acne is a lifelong problem they have faced. Sometimes, it could be hormonal or genetics but dealing with it is hard. No amount of makeup can cover acne because of the texture it has. But what feels worse is the dark marks it leaves on your skin. Laser facial treatments are a great way to get rid of acne scars for good. If you have been struggling with this problem for a long time, then laser facial treatments may be the solution you have been looking for. Perfect Laser Clinics has several types of acne scars laser resurfacing treatment options. Our Acne Scarring Treatment doesn’t only remove your scars but it can also smoothen your skin in just a few laser sessions. If you are unsure of how many treatments you need, feel free to book a complimentary consultation with our skin therapists and they will be more than happy to assist you throughout your treatment plan. In this blog post, we will discuss the cause of acne and the benefits of laser facial treatments for acne scars and how they can help you achieve clear skin. You can also read the FAQ section at the end of our article to know more about laser treatments. But first, let’s understand more about acne and the different types of acne, how it is formed and other lesser known facts about it.


What is Acne?

Sweat, germs, dead skin cells, and debris can clog the microscopic openings on your skin that are called pores. When this happens, you could get a pimple, commonly known as acne.

You may have acne if you frequently break out in pimples, especially if you do so repeatedly. Acne is the skin condition that results in pimples, in other words.

Even though acne poses little damage to your general health, experiencing severe acne can be upsetting. Over time, scarring from acne may appear.

It is undeniable that acne can cause emotional anguish. Acne and acne scars on the face and other parts of the body that are visible can have an impact on self-confidence and self-esteem, and they may even exacerbate anxiety or depressive symptoms. dependable source

If you have acne, you should be aware that it's a common problem.

Remember that acne is also fairly curable. There are numerous efficient treatments available, giving you choices for fewer breakouts and a lower risk of scarring.



The Different Types of Acne

According to Healthline, acne has two categories, non inflammatory and inflammatory acne.

1.Non inflammatory acne

Both blackheads and whiteheads are prevalent in non-inflammatory acne. These typically don't cause edema. Additionally, they respond to over-the-counter (OTC) drugs rather effectively.

Salicylic acid is frequently advertised as a treatment for acne in general, however it typically only works on noninflammatory acne. It naturally removes dead skin cells that might cause blackheads and whiteheads by exfoliating the skin. Look for it in moisturisers, toners, and cleansers.


Blackheads appear when sebum and dead skin cells mix to clog a pore. The top of the pore is still open even though the remainder of it is closed. The surface then develops its unique black colour as a result.


Whiteheads can also form when sebum and dead skin cells plug a pore. But unlike with blackheads, the top of the pore closes. There seems to be a small protrusion through the skin.

Treatment of whiteheads is more difficult due to the constricted pores. Products that contain salicylic acid can be useful. Topical retinoids are the most successful treatment for comedonal acne. A retinoid called adapalene is already available over the counter. Your dermatologist may recommend stronger topical retinoids if it doesn't work for you.

2.Inflammatory acne

Inflammatory acne refers to pimples that are red and swollen.

Inflammatory acne is mostly caused by sebum and dead skin cells, but bacteria can also contribute to pore obstruction. Deep within the skin, bacteria can infect it and result in an illness. This could lead to excruciating acne lesions that are challenging to remove.

Products with benzoyl peroxide could help with bacterial removal from the skin and edema reduction. These can also get rid of surplus sebum. In addition to benzoyl peroxide, your doctor might advise an oral or topical antibiotic to treat your inflammatory acne. The use of topical retinoids is crucial in the treatment of inflammatory acne.


When there is acute inflammation, the walls enclosing your pores collapse, resulting in papules. As a result, the pores become tender to the touch and become hard and plugged. Normally pink, the skin around these pores is.


When the pore-enclosing walls deteriorate, pustules might develop. Pustules contain pus as opposed to papules. These lumps protrude from the skin and are typically coloured red. On top, they frequently feature yellow or white heads.

Nodular acne

When clogged, swollen pores experience more irritation and enlarge, nodules form. Nodules, as opposed to pustules and papules, are located deeper in the skin.

Nodules are often difficult to treat at home because they are located so deeply within the skin. To help with this, prescription medication is recommended.

Isotretinoin will likely be prescribed orally by your dermatologist or physician. For four to six months, this is taken daily and is made from a type of vitamin A. By reducing the size of the oil glands within the pores, it can both treat and prevent nodules.


Cysts can develop when dead skin cells, sebum, and bacteria clog pores. The blockages grow deeper into the skin than nodules do, more so.

Touching these large red or white lumps is frequently unpleasant. Cysts, the most severe form of acne, generally develop after a catastrophic illness. This type of acne is also the most likely to produce scars.

Isotretinoin, a prescription medication marketed under the brand name Sotret, is widely used to treat cysts. In extreme cases, your dermatologist might perform a surgical cyst removal.

Laser treatments have been proven to be a safe and painless way to treat acne scars. Our Acne Scarring Treatment plan has many advantages because of the quality of laser devices and our experienced therapists who have done over 13 millions types of laser treatment.


The Benefits of our Acne Scarring Treatment

Perfect Laser Clinics' Acne Scarring Treatment utilises a patented 1064nm laser to instantly break down excess melanin that causes hyperpigmentation. Acne scarring can also be treated with laser energy by stimulating collagen production. The new collagen fills atrophic scars like ice pick scars, resulting in silky skin texture.

1.Instant acne scars removal

The first 100 days can make or break an acne scar; once established, it is nearly impossible to remove. Laser treatments are possibly the only way to truly treat severe acne scarring, such as raised scars, rolling scars, depressed scars, and others. With just one session, the Acne Scarring Treatment can treat acne scars. Your skin will be perfectly refined and spotless after completing the treatment plan.

2.Strips away any dark spots

Post-injury or inflammation-induced hyperpigmentation occurs when the skin produces an excess of melanin. Acne spots are one of the most common types of hyperpigmentation. The Acne Scarring Treatment employs a 1064nm wavelength laser to precisely target melanin, breaking it down into smaller particles and eventually shattering it.

The body will naturally remove the shattered melanin through metabolism, effectively removing hyperpigmentation and acne scars. Reddish, brownish, or purplish acne scars will improve after just one treatment session.

3.Textured skin will be smoothed out

The patented 1064nm laser can reach the collagen tissues beneath the skin in addition to breaking down melanin. The laser's photothermal effect can destroy old collagen while stimulating the production of new collagen and elastin. This treatment can also help with skin tightening.

The laser treatment, like skin needling or dermal fillers, creates new collagen to plump the skin tissues and fill pores and deep acne scars, such as ice pick scars. Your skin will become smooth and flawless as a result.

4.Acne prevention

Laser treatments' photothermal effect can slightly shrink the sebaceous glands, reducing sebum secretion, preventing future acne and blackhead outbreaks, and minimising pores. The entire treatment can significantly improve collagen regeneration rate, metabolism rate, and water-oil ratio of the skin, making it more balanced and healthy.



What are the Risks Involved with Laser Treatment?

When using lasers to treat acne scars, there are some risks and side effects to consider. These side effects will vary depending on the type of laser used, your skin type, and the number of treatments required.

Common side effects include:

- Swelling - Redness - Pain at the treatment site

The pain associated with laser treatment for acne scars usually subsides within an hour or two. It may take up to ten days for the redness to fade. Hyperpigmentation and infection are two risks of using laser treatment to reduce the appearance of acne scarring.

While these conditions are uncommon and often preventable, it is critical to consult with your doctor about your risk factors before proceeding with treatment. If you notice pus, severe swelling, or fever after laser treatment for acne scarring, contact your provider immediately.

How to prepare for pre and post treatment ?

Here are some important tips from our therapists:

Pre treatment plan

- For two days before the treatment, avoid acne and blackhead removal, exfoliants, scrubs, whitening, or acidic skin care products. - For one week before the treatment, avoid retinol and Vitamin A-containing skin care products. - Before the treatment, avoid direct sun exposure. Maintain the skin's healthiest state.

Post treatment plan

- For one week after the treatment, avoid using exfoliant, acidic, or whitening skin care products. - To protect yourself from the sun, use SPF30+ sunscreen, a hat, or an umbrella. - Following the treatment, normal reactions such as skin redness, peeling, dryness, and sensitivity may occur. Increase your use of moisturiser to hasten skin repair.


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The Final Takeaway

Treating acne scars can be a complicated process however, you do not have to do it alone. Opting for a laser resurfacing treatment plan with experienced therapists or board certified dermatologist gives you the assurance that a professional who has handled this type of skin concern will be able to assist you and treat your acne scars in a way that suited to your needs.

Our Acne Scarring Treatment has left many clients satisfied as it does not only remove acne scars, but it can also help with collagen and elastin production. Our team has extensive experience with acne scar removal treatments. The professionals will perform a professional skin analysis and create a treatment plan for acne prevention and acne scar removal for you.

Call us now to book a complimentary session with Perfect Laser Clinics!


How does the therapy work?

The melanin may be targeted and broken down into tiny particles using the proprietary 1064 nm wavelength laser, which can reach deep into the skin layers. Acne scars are naturally removed by metabolism, which also removes the fragmented melanin. Additionally, the procedure can break down ageing and hardened collagen and promote the development of new collagen, which helps to moisturise the skin, fill in acne scars, and even out rough skin.

How does the acne scarring treatment stop blackheads and pimples?

Recurring breakouts of acne and blackheads can be avoided by maintaining healthy skin with a balanced water-to-oil ratio. This acne scar therapy can: 1. Encourage the regeneration of collagen and elastin to hydrate the skin texture 2. Unclog pores to allow oil, filth, and extra keratin to flow out 3. Slightly shrink the sebaceous glands to minimise sebum secretion 4. Act as a laser skin resurfacing

Will there be any discomfort during the procedure and afterwards?

This non-invasive, painless method of treating acne scars is safe. The entire procedure leaves no incisions or harm to the skin, in contrast to more invasive acne scar treatments like skin needling. Nevertheless, you can experience a little warmth while it happens. Following treatment, the skin may appear red, dry, and sensitive; this is a typical laser reaction; acne scar scabbing may also take place. Daily moisturising and sunscreen application should be increased. Within a few days of the therapy, the skin will regain its previous appearance.


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